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Cats + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Wayland Animal Clinic's List of Local Veterinary Cardiologists - (as well as some not-so-local choices if you find yourself in a pinch)

  • Wayland Animal Clinic's list of local veterinary dermatologists

  • Wayland Animal Clinic's list of veterinary oncologists in New England

  • Wayland Animal Clinic's list of local veterinary ophthalmologists

  • Once a pet has lost some weight, the new goal is to make sure that excess weight stays off. Pet parents who partner with their veterinary health care team for support and who focus on changing their behaviors often have the most success. Examples of some changes include using a different food or a different feeding method, focusing more on portion control, and incorporating some movement or activity time into each day. This article addresses several commonly asked questions about how to help a pet during the maintenance phase (after the weight has been lost).

  • Feral cats are fiercely independent and survive (but may not thrive) without the help of humans. They avoid people and hide, back away, or flee when they spot humans. Lack of immunization, parasite control, adequate nutrition, and hygiene put feral cats at risk of many life-threatening problems. TNR (Trap, Neuter, and Release) programs are the hallmark of controlling feral cat populations.

  • For most cats, a visit to the veterinarian is an overwhelming experience. If your cat’s veterinary appointment is for a routine wellness examination, your veterinarian may prescribe a sedative or antianxiety medication. Natural medicines, also known as complementary therapies, cover a wide range of products including herbs, nutraceuticals, supplements, and homeopathic remedies and may be beneficial in treating your anxious cat. Products such as Feliway® and Rescue Remedy® are examples of natural therapies that may be helpful in reducing your cat’s stress. One of the most important ways to decrease your cat’s anxiety level is to remain calm and relaxed during the visit as this will help reassure your cat that she is safe.

  • The purpose of pet microchips is to provide permanent identification. Microchips are tiny, about the size of a grain of rice, and contain a unique identification number. They are inserted with a needle under the skin between the shoulder blades. A microchip reader detects the electronic code embedded in the chip and displays the identification number on its screen. The registration database is then checked for this identification number (either online or by telephone), and the pet owner's contact information is retrieved. A microchip is the most reliable way to reunite lost pets with their owners and may also be required for international travel.

  • Motion sickness in cats is a common problem. Many cats become anxious or nauseous during travel due to a lack of conditioning and the overwhelming unusual stimuli associated with moving inside a vehicle. Signs your cat may be experiencing motion sickness may include whining, meowing, or howling; drooling and excessive licking of the lips; pacing; vomiting or diarrhea; and lethargy or inactivity. Conditioning your cat to car travel can help ease some anxiety. However, if your cat seems to need more help to stay calm during travel, speak to your veterinarian about using anti-nausea medication, anti-anxiety medications, as well as natural calming agents such as pheromones.

  • Most cats settle into a new home fairly easily. They crave familiarity, so it is best to bring along many familiar objects, such as litter boxes and favored furniture. Cats must be initially secured to prevent their escape, as they may attempt to return to a prior home and could be lost or injured along the way. It is best to introduce your cat to your new home gradually and with supervision.