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Prepare For Your Visit

Your Pet’s Visit

A patient visit is the best way for our veterinarians to get to know you, your pet and your specific veterinary needs.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to provide outstanding care for your pet so we have put together these tips and guidelines that will help you get the most out of each and every visit to our animal hospital.

If you can’t tackle all of the preparation items prior to your visit – no worries! We understand and pride ourselves in our flexibility, so give us a call and we’ll help you prioritize and make sure your visit is a success. 

We’ll Send You Reminders

Depending on the type of visit you have coming up, we’ll send you a reminder email and/or text that includes a confirm link and checklist on how to prepare for your visit.

New Patient Checklist

Annual Exams Preparation Checklist

Sick Visit Checklist

Blood Tests & Other Diagnostics Checklist

Surgery Preparation Checklist

Drop-off Visit Checklist


A Note About Emergency Appointments

Emergency appointments can be very time sensitive and require special care. Based on information you provide over the phone as well as the current situation at our hospital, our doctors will determine the best course of action which might include an immediate visit to our hospital, a scheduled visit, or even referral to a local or specialized emergency hospital. When you call, please provide the following information:

  • First and last name of the pet’s owner as you believe it appears in our medical record
  • Pets name
  • Reason for Emergency – A brief description of the problem (Cat not urinating, rabbit not eating, trauma, etc)
  • Immediate Contact Information – Please confirm the best phone number where we can immediately reach you if necessary.

No Show / Cancellation Policy

All clients are required to give at least 24 hours advanced notice when cancelling any appointment. No Show / Late Cancellations will be charged $20 for technician appointments and $40 for veterinary appointments.  All proceeds from No Show/Late Cancellation fees are donated to the Darla Fund to help defray the costs of healthcare to local strays and pets in need. See More Details