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What to Expect at Your Visit


As a client of Wayland Animal Clinic, you should expect that our entire staff will do everything we can to make it easy for you to provide outstanding care and longevity for your pet. The annual patient visit is the cornerstone of our wellness protocol so we want to make sure you get the most out of every visit. In that spirit, we put together this overview so you know what to expect!


Who doesn’t need a friendly reminder now and again?
Your pet’s annual exam is usually scheduled about a month prior to when it is due. Our clients can expect to receive email and post card reminders to help keep track of upcoming annual exams, vaccines or treatment due dates and to schedule the next appointment. We make it easy to schedule online, by phone or directly from our reminder email.

Once you’ve made your appointment, you can expect to receive a reminder phone call in advance of your exam so that we can confirm your availability, provide individualized instructions for your pet if required, and answer any questions you might have.

We understand that life is full of surprises and sometimes you need to reschedule your appointment. If so, please let us know as soon as you can and we will be happy to do that for you.  If you miss your appointment without letting us know 24 hours in advance, a No Show / Late Cancellation fee will be charged $20 for missed technician appointments and $40 for missed veterinary appointments. All proceeds from No Show/Late Cancellation fees are donated to the Darla Fund to help defray the costs of healthcare for local strays and pets in need. See More Details


Upon arrival for your appointment you will be greeted by one of our receptionists and they will check you in. Once we have verified your information and accept any samples or paperwork that you may have brought with you, you will be invited to take a seat in our reception area (which can be its own adventure!) until the time of your appointment.

Your Friendly Technician

One of our technicians will greet you in the reception area, where she will weigh your pet (smaller animals usually get weighed in the exam room) and collect a brief/current history for the doctor.

This is a perfect time to update us on any new developments or provide a list of concerns or issues you’d like to discuss with the doctor.

We always make every effort to answer all of your questions thoroughly so it helps if you come prepared.  Click Here to prepare for your visit.

The Exam

If this is your puppy/kitten’s first visit, a welcome pack will be provided. This includes information on FAQ, local resources for puppies and a dose for their first monthly heartworm preventative.

Since pet’s can’t speak for themselves, your doctor will perform a very thorough hands-on evaluation of your pet checking everything from nose to tail (or beak to tail feathers). Your doctor will also want to discuss your pet’s diet, medications, training, behavior and any other specific concerns you may have about your pet. If your pet comes in for a sick visit your doctor will be focused on the immediate concerns you have with your vet.

Once the doctor has completed the exam, they will review their findings with you and discuss their recommendations for treatment or ongoing care if needed – including medication, additional diagnostic testing, or other treatment plans. This is a great time to notify the doctor if you need any medications, refills, or prescription diets.

Lab and Diagnostics

From time to time, your veterinarian will recommend lab tests or other diagnostics (xrays, ultrasounds, etc.) to determine the best course of action for your pet. If so, she will explain how the test will help her diagnose your pet and then arrange a treatment plan.

Some tests can be done at our facility while you wait, while others may be processed at a lab or specialty center. Your doctor will call you to discuss results (typically within 48-72 hours).

Check-Out and Thank You!

When your appointment is finished you will go back to the reception area while your medical record is updated and, if necessary, any medications are prepared. A technician will review any medications and at-home treatments with you and then you’ll be invited to check out with our receptionists.

Our receptionists will ask you if you need any heartworm or flea/tick preventative and will book your next appointment or any follow-up appointments as needed. Once you are all set your receptionist will make sure your charges are correct and take payment. Payment for services are expected at the time of your visit and can be paid by cash, check, or any major credit card.

In the day or two following your appointment, we will email you a thank you note with our very sincere “Thanks” for entrusting the health and wellness of your pet to our care. Our goal is to make it easy for you to provide outstanding care for your pet. To do that, it is our philosophy that we should constantly look for opportunities to improve our process, our staff, and our facility.

Every so often, your Thank You note will contain a link to a survey that we use to collect feedback that has proven vital to that end. Our staff thrive on the immediate praise (and constructive suggestions) we get from the surveys and hope that you will take a moment to give us your two cents!

Technician Appointments

Once your doctor has made a plan for your pet, she may recommend technician appointments for ongoing care. Technician appointments are great for routine procedures like vaccinations, blood draw for diagnostic labs, or medical grooming.

When arriving for your pet’s technician appointment, please check in with the front desk where we’ll verify your information and inform your technician of your arrival.
Your technician will meet you in our reception area where they will take a brief history, verify medication doses, any required fasting, and confirm the vaccinations/tests/procedures your pet is due for.

Most of the time your technician will take your pet to our well-equipped treatment area to perform any necessary procedures. Once everything is complete, your technician will deliver your pet back to you, review treatments performed, prescriptions, and alert you to anything to monitor for.

This is a great time to ask questions, so please take advantage of our knowledgeable techs! If they are unable to provide an immediate answer for you, they will check with a doctor and get back to you very soon.

Surgery and Dental Appointments

For planned surgeries and dental appointments you will arrive between 8-8:30am with your pet fasted. The admission process may take about 15-20 minutes. Our technician will collect some information from you, will let you know what to expect throughout the day and review your estimate.

All post-surgical home care instructions will be provided at discharge by your technician. You will be asked to sign a consent form and provide contact information. We ask that you leave at least one number that you can be reached at any time during the day for questions or emergencies.


In support of our goal to make it easy for you to take outstanding care of your pet, Wayland Animal Clinic sees emergencies during the day. In the event that our schedule cannot accommodate an unexpected emergency, or when your doctor feels that your pet can be better served, she may refer you to one of our 24-Hour Veterinary Emergency Centers in the area.